this is my friend nafi working at her sewing machine in thies, i went around one day to photograph disabled people working to have some examples for others.
here's a picture from a wheelchair basketball game i went to about 2 weeks ago with my disabled friends from thies- they won!
here are 2 of my new host siblings in ndayane, jaxtu is on the left and astou is on the right. they're 11 and 10 respectively but super cute and fun to be around. i just recently taught astou the song, ' i've been working on the railroad' she always wants to learn english.
here's the beach in my village, ndayane!
here is nafi's father and older brother at their artisan shop in thies. the father is a really nice guy who after i gave tea, sugar and powdered milk in thanks for staying at his house while i was in thies, said i could come back anytime. they make an effort to make me feel a part of their family whenever im in thies
here's me and aida, my little buddy who doesnt cry anymore when im around but plays with me now instead! i gave her the little stuffed animal which is named ami thiam (my senegalese name) and she was pretty excited. last time i was there she gave me little bits of her potato chips and she thought it was the funniest thing. aida is just what i need to brighten my day.
here's me wearing my friend soxhna's wig that she wore for a party bc she didnt like her braids. EVERYONE has fake hair here, and i just think its funny, funnier to see me with straight hair and bangs.
and here are the famous pants!!!!!! the pad sewn in to make the butt bigger. im so glad i have proof because otherwise no one might believe me!
and here is my room in ndayane!
i hope you all enjoy it!