i had a nice weekend, unfortunately my english class was canceled on saturday (narindra's neighbor's house was robbed), and there was some potential political drama (long story short the president of madagascar and the mayor of tana do not get along...) but everything was fine. sunday though, i went to ralphine's house. she's in the picture below and is the former president of coph, the organization i'm planning on working with. i had a really nice afternoon, she lives up in the high city with a beautiful view and i got to sample some real malagasy snacks like manioc (its what they use for tapioca i think) and some great bread. we also had some good conversations about disabilities (she's been disabled since birth) and talked about ideas for me to go and see more of the country. i met her husband and daughters too, all of whom were extremely welcoming.
apart from that, it's all about obama today. i just saw a commercial of people all saying 'yes we can' and the news is all about the inauguration and washington, dc. ralphine was even telling me 'yes we can' yesterday, it seems like its a statement known around the world. i can only imagine what it's like in the US though. i'm going to an inauguration party tonight at the president of the peace corps' house with my friend haddy (a peace corps volunteer i met last week) so hopefully i'll get to see some coverage of the event. but that's all for now, hope you enjoy!
Sorry I missed you on gmail! Enjoying your blog massively...will write a proper note when I'm done exams (Thursday). Much love xxx (and change!)